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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Why Would a Cat Want to Move to Las Vegas?

Why would a cat want to move to Las Vegas?

As you begin reading this, I am guessing you will think it is about cats.
  You would be partially correct since it was out of feline necessity that I was introduced to yet another way to make a living I didn’t know existed among “Road Warriors.”  Whether you are fond of felines or indifferent about them, you might find this story interesting.


I have a daughter named Olivia who went from being a college student, to a married one of those, one that ended up with, not just one, but two very large dogs and two cats.  Later, two boys, one relatively fresh from the oven and one just beginning to piece together the segments of syntax needed to make sentences.  A family of 8.  To say this family has its hands full would be to only touch the surface of the truth.


Add to this complexity the dimension of military living, for Olivia’s husband, Stephan, is an officer in the Air Force.  What this element changes for the family is the whereabouts and the anchorage to those whereabouts, the permanence and impermanence of that anchorage.  Their relationship began in Sonoma County and, after Stephan joined the military, included time in Texas, Colorado, Marysville, Mississippi, Las Vegas, and will no doubt encompass a much longer list as the years pass.  Perhaps military life can be used as an example of one of the central themes of Eastern religions: that change is the only true law of the universe.


During one of the moves it was determined that it would be a good idea to siphon off some of the pressures of daily living by temporarily relocating the two feline members of the military family back to the home where Olivia and the cats used to live in the rural West Sonoma County area.  The cats, then, stayed with mom and dad.


One day not too long ago it was determined that there was enough stabilization in their daily routines that Olivia and Stephan were ready to welcome Dexter and Juliet back into the family routine, one now taking place in a small suburb of Las Vegas.  If you have ever moved a long distance with a cat, you are already aware that it can present challenges having to do with the propensity for cats to want to be in control of their own lives, on their terms.  The choices boil down to three basic ones: 1. Transport them with you by plane, 2. Transport them with you by car, 3. Ship them by air or land without you.


The first and second alternatives were weighed carefully and set aside for the last one, the pursuit of which opened a window on an unusual profession, although existing simultaneously with the many there are today, is one brought to light for me by Lindsay and Daisy, two young Americans driving a large white van used to transport cats and dogs, driving that van and driving, driving, driving.  Two people, beginning very far away from West Sonoma County, whose meeting was the result of a lengthy Google search, came here with their sleek looking white van, arriving a couple of days later than planned because of logical reasons that included a snow storm in Colorado.


I had been following their driving progress through text messages along the way.  What began as very general information requests about location and timing turned into something more human as I related the van moving my way to the times I have been on my way to the airport to pick somebody up and have been tracking their flight with that ubiquitous imagery of the little plane on the screen slowly approaching its destination.  We had prepared the cats for the arrival of the two drivers who arrived late one afternoon, drove up our driveway and left the engine of the big van purring like the reassuring sound of a well-tuned, properly muffled motor idling.


The two young ladies who got out of the van, Lindsay and Daisy, had just a few
moments to spare for conversation as they were heading out at the end of the day to Irvine to the home of another client who would give them a pet to take way to the east in America, allowing them to drop off Olivia’s two cats in Las Vegas after driving all night.  It was the subject of driving that became the most interesting part of the whole cat ordeal for me because they told us that all they did was drive.  Always moving, trading off the driving while one sleeps, one drives and on and on and on it goes.  One of the two described herself as a “Nomadic Gypsy.”


Always on the move with other people’s pets, picking up here, dropping off there, caring for all the pets and themselves as they roll on down the highway having found an unusual and easily romanticized way to be in business.  My daughter wondered about turning her cats over to a stranger to deliver them, as did I.  In a few moments the wondering, having sprung from our human fear of the unknown undoubtedly, was quashed.  It was obvious that our cats, and all other pets carried in the big white van by these two people were in good hands.


I was reminded of my years on the road in the gemstone business.  There were times during the year when we were constantly on the move as life became a blur of airports in other countries, very, very long flights, customs checks, hotels, appointments with gem cutters and sellers, more flights, more customs………then road trips to jewelry stores in many states to sell our inventory to keep the proverbial wheel turning.  All the while needing to take care of all our domestic needs without the benefits and gadgets of home.


Lindsay and Daisy have their eyes on the road a lot moving all over America with dogs and cats whose owners don’t want to “ship” their pet by plane or don’t have room in their daily routine to drive hundreds or thousands of miles themselves.  Who knows when you might need this service?  It never occurred to me until I Googled it.  If you ever find yourself needing a visit from the ladies with the white van who treat dogs and cats like guests, here is some contact info:


Lindsay and Daisy

Web site:


(865) 384-2490 --- Daisy Hamrick

(520) 965-7577 --- Lindsay Stoll


Hi Richard,

Great story and what an enterprisingly adventurous way to make a living!  I always enjoy hearing about stories of people on the road, maybe because of being cooped up during the pandemic and also a past nomadic lifestyle all through my 20's and early thirties.  I'm printing this out to show Patty, who loves anything cats.

Thanks for sharing!


From: Michael and Liz Near

That's a lovely piece.  It will be of no use to us however.  You found the perfect house in the perfect location and we will never move again!!  Hope you are well 

From: Lisa A Wilkins 

Dear Richard,Thank you for the interesting and mind opening email.

From: Michael Klubock

Loved this story Richard.

From: Janis Hall

I love this story! And my daughter, now in Alaska, has a cat in Minnesota. I am going to check into this cat-moving service for future reference. 
Thanks, Richard,

From: Vanessa Younger

Entertaining and very useful, Thanks Richard!

From: Randy Hrabko

Thanks for sharing!! LOL

From: Edward Witts

What a great story Richard, who would think someone did this.

From: Jude and Richard Mayer 
Hello, Richard,

Interesting. I’ll file it away for future use. 

From: Ross Weishaar
Fun stuff Richard !

From: Alberto Rios 
Very interesting story Richard, thank you very much for sharing.  

From: Victoria Shipley

thank you

From: Jamie Owen

Dear Richard,

What a wonderful story!  You write a great storyand I hope that there was a hap ending:  The Air Force animals lived happily ever after!

From: Sherrie von Sternberg

Awwwwwww, welcome home kitties!  Great read!

From: Ann Harris
Cool... I like... 💕💕💕

Dear Richard,

Great to hear from you. We are visiting Bodega Bay right now and literally mentioned your name yesterday when your email arrived. Strange! We will read your blog post with great interest!

Best, Dianne

From: Marty Roberts

I love cats - great story!


  1. Thanks for sending Richard good info to have and pass on.
    Take care
    Cheryl Tennyson

  2. I love this story! And my daughter, now in Alaska, has a cat in Minnesota. I am going to check into this cat-moving service for future reference.
    Thanks, Richard,

  3. What a heart warming story. Thanks for sharing. I love my kitties.

  4. I enjoyed reading your blog. I always appreciate your writing style. Timing is purr-fect for this one - just yesterday, after 2 days of torrential rainfall, we discovered a mama cat and three newborns that have adopted a corner of our yard. We think we have foster parents for 2 out of 3 kittens once they are a bit older (appear to be 2-3 weeks old at most), but if we learn of someone afar who is desperate for a kitten, we will surely look up the wonderful van gypsies.
    Tu amigo de siempre, Alfonso

  5. I always appreciate your writing style! Having crossed the continent twice with my own two cats- one via air and once by road, I appreciate the service these ladies provide!
    Thank you for sharing their story and yours.
    Blessings on your head!

  6. So, Richard, did the cats loved the trip? How long it took to deliver them to Vegas? Did they arrived safely? How they adapted to live in Sin City? Is the service affordable for everyone?
    But great story and thank you for sharing. It may be very useful!

  7. Great to hear about and read this story, it goes to tell us that "there is always a way"!!
    Kind regards, Peggy Lupo
